Articles in the "Experience" Category

The Experience IS the Product

Inexperienced marketers tend to fall back on a benefit-focused approach, believing they’ll win customers by listing their virtues (better products, better customer service, technical improvements, etc.)Unfortunately, most practical benefits don’t address the issues...

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Software Design Mistakes that Just Won’t Die

Good design is good business. I spend pretty much all day obsessing about how to improve user experiences. I've observed a number of recurring software design problems over the years, and I thought I'd share a handful of them here for your consideration. Problem #1:...

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Business Software Doesn’t Have to Hurt

I’ve worked on a lot of enterprise software projects over the years, and one of the common patterns I’ve observed is a surprisingly high tolerance for poor user experience.If you’ve ever worked in a cubicle farm, you’re probably all too familiar with the baffling HR...

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Being Best Beats Being First

Sometimes being "first to market" means you're doing all the hard work for someone else. Maybe it's time to slow down and reconsider. The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing by Al Ries and Jack Trout is undeniably a classic text and should be read by anyone in this...

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