Writing for Business Owners
Two Decades of Insights (And Still Going)
I’ve written more than a hundred articles about business, marketing, branding, and design for publications like Inc. Magazine and others, as well as for my own various blogs and websites.
Where Company Names Come From
Wikipedia’s List of Company Name Etymologies is a fascinating read that gives some insights into how company names are really created. Notice that you don’t see too many origins like “Developed during brainstorming session with $100k naming consultant.” Just goes to...
Brand Identity Insights from…Milwaukee?
In a recent editorial in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinal, author and speaker Richard Thieme made some very insightful comments into the recent efforts by the “Milwaukee 7” to rebrand Milwaukee into something sexier and more desirable than its current...
The 10-Point Attention Mapping Exercise
A customer’s attention: it’s exceedingly difficult to acquire, experts measure it in milliseconds, it vaporizes if mistreated, and it’s worth far more than gold or diamonds. Scared? Don’t be—it’s putty if you know how to handle it. Attention is the most fundamental...
Why Those Terrible Campaign Signs Actually Work
With campaign season in full swing, I’ve had some recent chats with my colleagues about the universally weak and uninspired nature of campaign signs. It seems like political marketing is about nothing more than putting your name on a solid color background (usually...
Walking the Viral Tightrope
Alltel has given us a great case study in viral marketing with their recently-flopped “People Against My Circle” campaign. After almost a week, the campaign has failed to generate any significant buzz or publicity, despite its apparently large cost. The...
Website Promotion Guide for 2006
It is estimated that there are around 85 million websites in existence at the time of this writing. By the time you launch your website, it will probably be closer to 100 million. The days of “If you build it, they will come” are long gone. Don’t lose hope, though....
5 Rules for Great Websites
In a world in which it’s unusual for a business not to have a website, an ambitious business owner must expect to do more than just throwing something online. Following these simple rules will help your website stand out in the crowd. Rule #1: Challenge...
What to Look For When Hiring Web Design and Development
The web design and development industry can be difficult for businesses to navigate, with options ranging from your cousin looking for iTunes cash to multi-million-dollar agencies like Avenue A | Razorfish. This guide will help you to understand your options, and...
The 5 Forbidden Words of Advertising
Quality - Service - Value - Integrity - Caring They look great. They sound great. You’re sure that they’ll convince the customer that your firm, above all others, is the “the one.” The only problem, as pointed out by this BusinessWeek article, is that those...
Top 10 Stock Photography Cliches
1. The Handshake of Synergy: You’ve made the sale and closed the deal. They can’t back out now—you shook on it! 2. The Flirty Customer Service Gal: Operators are standing by to take your call…and your heart. 3. The Big Thumbs of Triumph: Good job, ace. You’ve saved...