Your Beliefs Are Your Most Important Source of Content

by | Jul 10, 2011 | Marketing

As we’ve been working on our own content strategy for the next six months, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about what kinds of things we should be writing about. There are all kinds of options out there, but I increasingly find myself thinking that the most effective blog posts (in terms of building a name for your business) are simply a statement of your beliefs.

In a business context, most people are simply looking for information about what works, what’s going to help them succeed, etc. They’re fascinated by people with answers. These posts also serve a positioning purpose, helping people understand how you view your craft differently than your competitors.

These can take a variety of forms, but the easiest one is simply to explain your belief in a single sentence, and make that the title. In the body of the post, explain it a bit more, provide some examples, etc. Or if you want to go big, gather several related beliefs together and explain them together in list format (a sort of low-key manifesto).

If you’re struggling to come up with topics to write about for your business blog, marketing materials, etc., simply start with this question: ”What do you really believe?”

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